Simulate mitosis and meiosis in an imaginary animal called a Frimpanzee ( doc).Do the “ Modeling Meiosis” Lab using modeling clay of different colors to represent the chromosomes.Another good “ Stages of Mitosis” lab using onion root tip slides.Have students do this “Observing Mitosis Lab” ( pdf) using prepared slides of onion ( Allium) root tips.Watch Frank Gregorio’s very dramatic YouTube video of “ Cell Division and the Cell Cycle.”.Show Michael Clark’s “Mitosis” PowerPoint presentation.Scott Greenhalgh from the NSTA Listserve contributed this “Meiosis Web Lesson” ( doc) that uses this Meiosis Animation.You will need to save the file and open it in PowerPoint to have the music play throughout. “It’s Mitosis Time” ( ppt) is a Karaoke PowerPoint set to the music of “Celebration Time” by Kool and the Gang.“ Mitosis & Mitosis: Doing It On the Table ” is and activity designed to help students to learn the critical distinctions between what happens to chromosomes during mitosis vs meiosis.In “ Online Onion Root Tips” students identify the phases of mitosis and determine the time spent in time spent in different phases of the cell cycle.Using the Cells Alive website, Maria Ferraro contributed this “The Cell Cycle and Animal Cell Mitosis” ( doc) worksheet.If your school has this program, creating your own maps is a good way to introduce vocabulary. It includes information about meiosis and fertilization with questions.

Play the “ Mitosis Rap” song for your students.Using plastic forks, knives, and spoons to demonstrate Mitosis: Chromosome Replication & Division.The meiosis images (which are in 5 separate files on the “flip book” site) are consolidated here. Have students make mitosis and meiosis flip books.