
Library of mmana antenna files
Library of mmana antenna files

Library of mmana antenna files Library of mmana antenna files

by Peter Rhodes K4EWG on Log-Yagi for 20m band. My work was partialy based on materials from article in Nov. My first LPDA project was student's work in 1976 on practical and theoretical issues of building narrow banded Log-Yagis.

Library of mmana antenna files

It has been for most of my conscious amateur radio life that I was interested in Log-Periodics. I hope these know-hows will help you make your antennas more efficient. There are few know-hows in those models but I am sharing them with you for one reason - I decided that the time to share my knowledge with a larger group of people has come, I no longer want to keep it just for my own use. I will reveal some of my MMANA based antenna files for your own use and further evaluation and improvements of the models. In this article I want to share with you practical results of building LPDAs of different types. UA9BA hybrids of LPDA and Yagi Udas and other practical examples of multiband antennas

Library of mmana antenna files